About Me

Hello! My name is Salah Mohamed Oualid, and I'm a Junior Game and software developer based in algeria.

I have a diverse set of skills, ranging from 3D modeling, to animation, all the way to Desktop and Mobile application developement.

Always learning, always thriving for new horizons, integrating easily in teams, always looking for new ideas to turn to reality.


  • 3D Modeling with Autodesk MAYA
  • Game developement with Unity
  • C/C++
  • Typescript/Javascript
  • C#
  • Java
  • Qt framework
  • Dart/Flutter



Stock and billing ecommerce app : Web app

Web app: Stock and billing ecommerce app made with React, Typescript and Electron

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Jet Com

E-Commerce (Jet-Com) : Mobile app

Ecommerce mobile app made with Flutter and Django for the backend

Time out

Sugar making machine app : Desktop app

Desktop app: Sugar making automation app made with the Qt framework using the C++ and QML Languages

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Time out

Time Out : Mobile app

Mobile app: Time Out, made with the Flutter SDK

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Weeb list

Weeb list : mobile app

Mobile app: Weeb list, made with the Flutter SDK

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Participation in the Zanga Game Jam 9

Zanga game jam 9 entry Entitled (Reaper), using the Unity game engine, with the c# programming language.
Game developed as a part of JetLight Studio .
the theme is "parallel universes".

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4th place in the Open Hackathon 2018.

Getting 4th place in the open hackathon 2018, For the mobile app WeCare, using the c++ programming language along with the Qt api, That helps people with depression find a psychologist, with the UDEV club .

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Ice Fox

Participation in the Zanga Game Jam 8

Zanga game jam 8 entry Entitled (Ice), using the Unity game engine, with the c# programming language.
Game developed as a part of JetLight Studio .
the theme is "Simplicity".

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Bachelor degree project

Bachelor degree project, entitled (Biometric identification of individuals's 'iris, using the artificial immune systems), using the Matlab programming language


UML Editor

Creation of a desktop application for creating, editing, and saving UML diagrammes, using the Java programming language with the swing api

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Stock and billing software

Creation of a desktop application for managing stocks and bills of a small hardware store, using the c++ programming language along with the Qt api

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Additional accomplishements:

3D Modeling with Autodesk Maya)

Corriculum vitae

Click here to view my Corriculum vitae